
Tour of Battenkill (2015)

I’m a Canuck road cyclist living in the U.S. since 2006, more specifically, Maine.  I had always seen Maine advertised in magazines as one of the best bicycling vacation states, so I thought, “Why not have it every day?” – and moved here.

I studied Industrial Design in Ottawa that later led me to become a UX (User Experience) Generalist.  I now do UX strategy, research and design for a local company.

I’m currently in CAT4 working my way up the ranks.  I started racing in the 90’s in Ontario doing several races on and off again with the D’Ornellas Team. I’ve been racing more seriously since 2010 taking part in the Maine Time Trial Series and several USAC races until 2012 when I had an accident and I suffered multiple fractures to my vertebrae.

Having recovered, working through physical therapy, yoga and other exercises, I have raced for the past several years with Tall Sock Racing.  Now in my fifth year for 2019, I’m back stronger than ever with the support of my family and my dear friends in the Maine local cycling and yoga communities.  I’m currently riding independently.

In 2016, I completed the Yin Yoga Teacher training with Sagel Ulracher and have since brought the practice to our cycling community.  The Yin practice complements every aspect in cycling.

Cycling (for fun) and racing go hand in hand – and the journey transcends beyond the physical and mental aspects – it is also spiritual.  Every ride feeds the soul – despite sometimes feeling the contrary.  But when you come out on the other side, you get a sense of renewal from the efforts you put out.

I never give up, as you can tell – especially when the will is strong.

Ride well!

Ben (aka Hammer Ho, Big Ben)

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